My Favorite Cleaning Secrets

May 23, 2013

I don't love to clean, but it's a necessary evil every single day with three boys. When I started working part-time I decided to clean just one day a week. I realized that was not going to work when I wasn't finished seven hours later. Now, I try to keep the house clean instead of waiting until it's a complete wreck. There are a few things I've learned along the way to make it so much easier.

Lysol Wipes

I have these in every single bathroom under the sink. I can clean the countertops, vanities, and toilets in 2-3 minutes. It has to be done every day in my boys' bathroom because between the toothpaste on the counter and um...misfires, it gets gross fast. The other two bathrooms can be done every other day, but even if I did all three one day it still takes less than 10 minutes.

Waiting Until After Breakfast to Start the Dishwasher

Why? This prevents breakfast dishes from being stacked up in the sink. No one wants to come home to that! I turn on the dishwasher right before I leave the house. That gives me until dinner time to empty it. Well, my 10 year old is responsible for emptying it, but he doesn't always do it, lol.

Lint Brush

This may sound a bit odd, but this is one of my favorite cleaning products. I have always used them on my lampshades to remove dust, but I also use them on my sofas, throw pillows, and upholstered headboard. It could also be used on curtains or just about anywhere you have dust. My new white sofa gets a rub down from the lint brush about once a week. This is probably the reason why I've only had to wash the seat cushions once since I got them over a month ago.

Swiffer Vac

If you have tile or hardwood floors this is a must! It's not for big cleaning jobs, but it's perfect for cleaning up little every day messes. There's no cord since you charge it and it's lightweight, so it's much easier to pull out and spot clean than a big vacuum. I don't have to clean the floors quite so often with the regular vacuum because of this. It's cheap, too. I think mine was about $35.


I don't mind doing laundry. I hate putting it away. Some people were raised to fold clothes and others use hangers. I was a hanger person. Now, that I have five people in my family, I fold every single thing I can. I can't even tell you how much of a difference this has made. I can fold it downstairs in front of the tv and then sort it. During a commercial, I can run upstairs and put it all away. I can't believe how much faster it is!

I know this isn't the prettiest or most interesting post, but I probably think about cleaning and laundry more than anything else. Yes, even more than decorating, painting, and blogging. It's a constant battle to keep this house clean. I've been asked why I don't hire a maid many times. That is something I tried once and the woman I hired did a great job. The problem was that my kids made it look like the house hadn't been cleaned in a month by the next day. Fortunately, they aren't quite as messy since they have gotten older and the toys are starting to be replaced by electronics. Now, I can delegate some of the cleaning to the kids and that will really make it easier!

My Favorite Way to Add Color

May 21, 2013

I love color, but it's hard for me to commit since I'm so fickle when it comes to my house. What I love today will become my nemesis in a year. I prefer neutral rooms with pops of color so it's easy to change. I think the phrase "pops of color" make people nervous because they think of a stark white room with bright red accessories, lol. Here are a few examples of well placed color.

This living area appears neutral, but if you look around carefully there are a few different ways blue and green have been incorporated into this room.

Your eye does not settle on one colorful object in this room. Instead, it travels from the pillows to the drapes and to the bookcases.

All of these rooms are cheerful, but the color is in the details. It would be so easy to change out the accessories for a completely different look. The key is to have enough color so your eye is not drawn to one item in the room. Distributing the color around the room reduces the "pop" effect. It's also an easy way to decorate. Find a print pillow or rug you love and pull from there. The rest will fall into place!

Finishing Touches

May 9, 2013

Accessorizing a room takes time despite the insta-rooms we see on tv. I'm trying my best to finish up two rooms right now, my living room and the kids' game room. This is why my cart at Homegoods was piled embarrassingly high with home decor a couple of days ago. I had no idea if many of the things I bought would work once they were in the room, but the good thing is that I can always take back whatever I don't use. I'm not finished yet and still have even more things to buy, but I can already see the fireplace wall taking shape.

I had planned on buying two white vases for the mantel and I found the perfect one, but the problem is there was only one in the store. Isn't that the way it always works out? I bought it anyway and will stalk Homegoods until they bring another one in.

I absolutely adore the new platter, but I'm not sure it goes here so I'm keeping the tag on for now.

I didn't even realize the picture frames needed to be replaced until I started putting it all together. And, I'm fully aware the basket of books is a hot mess. I'll just keep shopping and rearranging until I find the right combination.

Mario also got a doggie accessory. I'm hoping he'll stay off the white sofa and chairs now that he has a new bed. I think he might like it. He laid on it for a while the first night and then promptly "marked" it. Thank goodness it's washable and that he hasn't felt the need for a repeat performance. Don't you just love the way he blends into the fabric? Oh, and that's one of the kids dirty socks he's chewing on. Nice.

I also bought new pillows and hung pictures of the boys up in the game room. At least this wall is finished.

I really love the way this room is turning out. The boys don't have much to say about it, but they do like watching tv and playing video games in here a lot more lately. That's good enough for me because it keeps them off the white sofa and chairs in the living room!

Because It's Hot, Really Hot

May 8, 2013

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear someone say Houston? I bet you're thinking hot or humid. Beyonce is probably the second. I promise we have other things going on here-a booming economy, one of the most multi-cultural cities in the country, and inexpensive housing (debatable depending on where you choose to live). But, the heat takes center stage. Most of the people in my area are not originally from Texas. Actually, I'm struggling to think of one person in my neighborhood that grew up here besides me. It's always funny when they first move here. They just rave about how great it is...and then summer hits. As we're approaching summer, I'm mentally preparing myself for the many months of heat and dreaming of a pool. Here are some of my favorites.

I'll take any one of these, please.

Trip Planning: Napa Valley

May 6, 2013

I have always wanted to visit Napa Valley my entire adult life, and in a few short weeks I'll finally be there! No kids, wine, beautiful scenery, great food, more's going to be good. I'm having so much fun planning and looking at the amazing pictures. Of course, I have to share it all with you!

Doesn't this remind you of the movie "A Walk in the Clouds" with Keanu Reeves? It was a good movie, but the scenery is why I have watched it several times.

I'm still trying to decide on the hot air balloons. I don't have a fear of heights, but I do have a fear of falling. I don't know if there's a difference, but I'm okay being up high as long as it doesn't feel like I'm going to tumble to my death. I may have to just take pictures from the ground.

The wine train might be a better option.

I'm still trying to decide on which wineries to visit. Any suggestions?

Cappola Winery

Castello di Amorosa

Vittorio Sattui

It wasn't easy finding a place to stay because there are just too many great options. My husband swears Yountville is the place to be and since he's been there a few times recently for work (I know, right?), I'm going to take his advice.

Auberge du Soleil


Hotel Yountville

And the food...

Osso Bucco

I will be at Bouchon every single day.

Michael Chiarello's Cafe

I will probably pick my restaurants based on how cute they are. Is that strange? Don't answer that. I can't wait to leave, but I think planning is half the fun!