Travel Post: Italy

Aug 21, 2017

Hello, friends! I haven't updated in a while because I've been in Italy the past couple of weeks. It was a big undertaking to plan such a long multi-city trip in a foreign country. There is so much I learned along the way that I'd love to share with you in case you are ever considering a trip to Italy. If not, enjoy the pretty pictures. Italy is a gorgeous country!

We arrived in Naples, took a bus to the port, boarded a ferry, took a tram and walked up a million stairs to the cutest piazza in Capri. The best part is when we turned around and saw this view. All of that traveling was worth it!

We then used google maps to navigate the streets to find our hotel, the Regina Cristina. The town area of Capri is small and you can easily walk the streets to find your hotel. Our hotel offered us a welcome drink and since it was 100 degrees outside so my husband and I just asked that it be cold. The bartender recommended a limoncello spritzer and that sounded amazing. We both fell in love with this drink and have been making them at home as well. It's one quarter limoncello and three quarters prosecco. At the hotel the bartender added a splash of blue curacao, but it's not necessary. It had been so long since I booked the hotel that I didn't remember much about it so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we had a balcony with a sea view. The room was more functional than luxurious, but the fabulous air conditioner made up for it!

Then it was time to walk the streets and see the town! The streets are charming, the flowers and lemons blooming, and the stores extremely luxurious. I had some major lemon envy while I was there. I've been trying to grow lemons and I have exactly one that's still small and green. I check on it almost daily so to see the trees dripping with lemons half the size of my head was amazing.

Holy bougainvillea!

My lunch view was perfect for people watching while drinking limoncello. This was my favorite street because it was a bit quieter so you could take it all in.

We decided to go to Anacapri, which is another city on the island, our second day. We were dressed in our workout clothes determined to walk off all the pasta from the day before, but we quickly realized walking on a one lane road with hairpin turns was not the safest so we took a bus. Anacapri is a little less refined, but still extremely charming. I enjoyed the stores more since I was looking for souvenirs instead of designer clothes. There is also a chair lift you can take to the top of a mountain for amazing views. It was bit scary at first, but I quickly got used to it. My husband was complaining most of the way that he was going to die or throw up. I tried to ignore him and enjoy the view because he can be a bit dramatic at times. ;)

The view from the top.

After lunch we went on a boat tour of the island. We had a private guide and at 150 euros for 2-2 1/2 hours it was worth every single penny...I mean euro. It was one of the highlights of our trip. The scenery is just gorgeous and the breeze felt wonderful. We stuck our feet out of the side to cool off in the water while drinking prosecco. Eventually we went for a swim too in one of the small coves.

We toured at least 12 caves in the area, but we didn't see the blue grotto because there's a 45 minute line to get in. The tour guide said it wasn't worth it so I took his advice. I found most Italians have no problems telling you what you should eat, drink and see. They never steered me wrong so I welcomed all of their advice.

I saw the most enormous yachts that would take up half of my neighborhood. This isn't the biggest one, but I got a kick out of the bouncy house attached to it for their kids. I could see them jumping up and down as we passed. I would like to be a kid in this family!

The beaches tend to be very rocky so a boat ride is a must. These people do not look comfortable!

We only spent two nights on Capri and I honestly don't know what we would have done a third day so it was the perfect amount of time. We headed back to Naples to take a three hour train ride to Florence. We had only one night here because there wasn't much we wanted to do. We have seen our fill of churches and museums on other trips, which is pretty much all there is to do in Florence. It is an absolutely beautiful city though and I'm so glad we didn't skip it. I enjoyed walking around this medieval town eating gelato on the narrow cobblestone streets the most.

We did go to the Pitti Palace because I do enjoy a good palace or castle. I also love touring gardens, but not so much when it's 104 degrees outside. It would be so much better in the spring. The palace apartments were a little strange because it was just room after connecting room with no hallways. I imagine it would take 20 minutes just to get to one of the back rooms. It reminded of me when I was a kid and tried to draw a floor plan of my dream home that never included a hallway and you had to walk through the kitchen to get to a bedroom. Our ticket also included a visit to the Bardini Gardens, but there was no way we would attempt another garden in that heat. We opted to drink local wine in the a/c while people watching instead. It was a lot of fun because we were one of the only people there and had a great time talking to the waiters. I got a kick out of it when they thought we were from Australia. Whenever we travel people never guess American even with our Texas accents. One of the Canadians we met on this trip said it was because we didn't have the Dallas twang. I didn't even know Dallas peeps had a different accent, but I guess it makes sense because many Houstonians aren't even from Texas.

The next day I slept in because the heat had gotten to me so by the time we got to the Duomo there were already what looked to be 1,000 people in line. I had zero desire to stand in line so we had what was became my everyday breakfast, a cappuccino and a chocolate croissant. At least we had a great view of the Duomo while sitting directly under the air conditioning vent.

It's pretty much a miracle this shot happened because there were hundreds of people around me. I had on my "church dress" that day. Knees and shoulders have to be covered in the churches so I found this Michael Stars dress online that just covered the knee. I had a scarf in my bag to cover my shoulders too. Many of the tourists brought two scarves, one to tie around their waist and one for their shoulders. It was so hot that I wish I would have done that instead. I didn't expect the dress to be quite so clingy. My husband joked that my church dress was my most revealing dress. I bought this one because it was cotton and didn't want to sweat in something dry clean only, which was a good call after getting a sniff of it the next day. I also made sure to buy a tote bag with a zipper because pickpockets are notorious in Florence. You will see many women traveling abroad with this same Longchamp bag that comes in different colors. Most of the time I wore my crossbody wallet-on-a- chain (WOC) unless I had something I needed to tote around. I could also stick the crossbody bag inside of the tote so I never had to switch bags. At night, I shortened the crossbody chain and wore it as a small shoulder bag the size of a clutch. It worked out perfectly!

Then we were off to the Tuscan countryside! The main reason for this trip was to go wine tasting because it's one of the things my husband and I both equally enjoy. The older I get the more I love the country too. I read Under a Tuscan Sun when it first came out in my 20s and I never thought in a million years I'd actually be here. It's even more beautiful than I imagined.

I couldn't wait to get started so we went to a large winery on the way to our hotel. It said wine tours until 5pm so I thought we would pop in. It turns out the tours are at 1pm and 3pm, and last 1.5 hours. We got there at 1:30 so they did an improvised tasting in the restaurant. It was a little awkward and the wines were just okay. I'm wondering if we had shown up for the tour if it would have been a better experience. It's highly rated so I would definitely try it again. I realized Italians don't do much business online in general so it's best to call for information. It's probably because of the spotty wifi we experienced in every part of the country we toured.

We stayed in Chianti at a small hotel. I had wanted to stay near Siena so we could be more centrally located, but I couldn't find a hotel I liked. I realized after touring the various areas of Tuscany that I was drawn to Chianti because it's definitely has the most beautiful views. Our hotel was small with only 17 rooms and felt more like a B&B, which I've always shied away from because I felt like they weren't private enough. I was so wrong! We got to know the staff and the other guests like I never have in a typical hotel, but still maintained our privacy. The restaurant on site served the best food I had in Italy and we ate there all three nights we were there. The lasagna was our favorite and I loved that it had a béchamel sauce instead of a typical tomato sauce. I'm definitely going to try this at home. If I could just learn to make the pasta fresh!

This was the view of the villa next to us at dinner. I had ordered roasted potatoes with rosemary one night and the chef came out to handpick the rosemary out of the garden. All but two of the employees are family. I noticed this trend whether it was at the hotels, restaurants or the wineries. I just find that amazing in today's world.

The only downside to hotels in Italy is that the beds are really, really hard and the wifi is spotty no matter if you are on a hillside or in the center of Rome. The best wifi reception at this hotel was in the lobby area so most of the guests were downstairs in the evenings having a drink and checking their emails. My husband face timed his mom so he could see our son play in his basketball game one night. Some of the hotel staff watched it too! It's such a relaxed atmosphere than what we are used to and we enjoyed every minute of it.

We spent three days touring Chianti, Montepulciano, Montecino, and San Gimignano. Chianti was our favorite wine. We learned that Chianti Classico is made in a certain region of Chianti and that you should always look for the rooster label for verification that it is made in the Chianti Classico region.

The first winery was a small family owned winery that isn't open to the public except through appointments. It's also a B&B for guests that want to experience the farm life that is called an agriturismo, which is becoming popular in Italy. Our front desk person recommended them and called ahead to set up the appointment for us. It was such a different experience. They have a pig farm, bees and olive groves in addition to the vineyards so we were also served fresh meats, olive oil and honey. We were brought a food course with each glass of wine. I learned that in Italy wine is always served with food. You will generally be served bread with olive oil and balsamic, a caprese salad and salami and prosciutto in that order. Another surprise is that most of the tastings are free. Of course we bought wine and tipped our host even if it wasn't expected. The wine tastings at the larger, more commercial wineries are not free but much less expensive than Napa Valley.

My husband really wanted to see Montepulciano next, which is medieval town from the 13th century but has roots from the 3rd-4th century BC. I learned it's gained popularity since one of the Twilight movies was filmed there. I guess I need to see Twilight now, but we were there for the Vino Nobile wine. It's what the nobles of Italy drank, hence the name. We didn't have much time so we went right to one of the oldest wineries and founders of vino nobile wine, Contucci. They have been making wine since 1700. Honestly, you can tell the age when you taste the wine. Chianti is the easiest to drink, but this wine was the most interesting. We also took a small tour of the old winery.

I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of the town, but I found one online of the city streets.

We headed to Montecino next to try Brunello. The towns of Montecino and San Gimignano looked just like Montepulciano so we concentrated on the outskirts to tour the vineyard wineries rather than the tasting rooms in the towns. We went to Poggio Antico to try the brunello. It was good, but we still love Chianti best. Of course we bought a bottle from each winery. I noticed sometimes I try wine at home and I have a completely different experience than I did at the winery. The views were amazing here and check out these trees!

When we went to San Gimignano we went to a larger winery with multiple vineyards all over Tuscany. It was a nice experience because we tried every variety of wine available in Tuscany. If you can only go to one winery, check this one out because you will truly get to try it all in one tasting. If you don't believe me look at all of these glasses.

We ended up ordering six bottles, but Italian wines are generally inexpensive and the shipping was only 5 euros. They had the best Super Tuscans, which I thought I didn't like. What I learned is it's just a name for blended wine so they can taste completely different from winery to winery.

Keep in mind we had three and half days in Tuscany so it sounds like we were drinking a lot, but it wasn't that much. We share tastings when we can and I definitely ended up leaving most of the wine on the table at the last tasting. As much as we tasted we probably drank less than we normally do because we were concerned about driving. My husband had less than a glass in combination with multiple courses of food, but that was ideal anyway due to trying to tour the towns in the heat. One of those towns was Siena. It's also a medieval town, but much larger than the others in the countryside of Tuscany. If you want to stay in a city and be central to wineries this is perfect.

Fresh meat anyone? I have to admit I was practically a vegetarian in Italy. The meat was a little too fresh. I tried to eat the salami, but there was something about the smell I couldn't handle. My husband ate mine for me at the wineries and I stuck to the bread and veggies.

Our last winery was one we noticed from a sign. I recognized the name as a hotel and winery we almost booked so we decided to stop in. The wine was okay, but everywhere you turn is a photo op. It's combined with the tiny town of Ama and so quaint that I would have spent all day drinking wine on the terrace if it hadn't been over 100 degrees.

We didn't visit many wineries this trip because the visits are typically longer than a typical tasting in Napa, and the wineries are far apart. I didn't mind as long as I got to visit each region for the experience. It's definitely a place we could visit multiple times and have a different experience each time. I'd love to come back one day, but French wines are next on my list!

We were off to Rome next and I have to admit I was dreading it a bit. I knew it was going to be hot with long lines to see the Vatican and Colosseum. I wasn't wrong. We decided to take the cut the line tours. The first tour we booked was for a 3 1/2 hour tour of the Vatican. That was a bit long, but we did get to see everything and got an informative tour by an experienced guide. 

We went through the museum of ancient Greek artifacts first.

These statues made me miss my three boys, but I swear I saw the middle statue in the Louvre years ago. I need to look back at our Paris pictures to be sure. 

We did see the Sistine Chapel, but they don't allow pictures so I don't have any to show you. There were a few tourists sneaking photos. There was no way I was going to catch the attention of the Vatican police. They.are.intense. My favorite part is when they would yell "silencio" over a microphone since talking isn't allowed. It immediately silenced the crowd. I need to try that with my kids!

I was a little underwhelmed by the Sistine Chapel. It wasn't nearly as impressive in person as it was in videos and pictures. St. Peter's Basilica was amazing though and you could take pictures without feeling like you'd be tackled to the ground. There were a few Chinese tourists that tried to jump over the ropes to break the line and I was a little nervous because they didn't seem the least bit fazed by the intimidating Vatican police. They finally backed down so it ended up okay. 

I loved that our hotel was five minutes from the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon.

The Spanish Steps were a 10 minute walk.

The Colosseum was a 20 minute walk from our hotel. We decided on a 60 minute tour after enduring half a day at the Vatican the day before. It really could have been completed in 30 minutes. It's exactly like you think it would look like by the pictures.

It was interesting to see Rome, but I don't think I will visit a second time. It's too busy, hot, dirty and the food wasn't nearly as good as the other regions of Italy. I would love to visit Tuscany and Capri again one day. Both of are right out of a postcard. I didn't mention cost, but Italy can be very affordable. The hotel rooms or vacation rentals average $100-200 a night. That's much cheaper than what you can get in our own state. Also, my husband and I put all of our expenses that we can on a United Airlines card for points so we are able to get our airline tickets for free. I don't want anyone reading this thinking that a trip like this is out of reach when we actually spend so little!

We came home a week before the kids go back to school so it's been a little crazy around here lately. I oddly feel re-energized and can't wait to start on a few projects this week. I've also been continuing to wake up early courtesy of partly still being on an Italian time zone. I've been making use of that time by working out every morning since I got used to waking up early and walking many miles a day. I am trying to keep that momentum going!

How I Blended Styles and Open Rooms

Jun 27, 2017

Summer is flying by here! I can't believe it's almost July 4th. My kids have kept me so busy since I stopped working a couple of weeks ago, but it's been so much fun to watch them play sports and spend more time with them. I can't say I'm getting much accomplished around the house yet. Hopefully, that will change soon because I have a lot of decorating projects and organizing to do. 

I did start organizing the kitchen cabinets the other day and decided to re-arrange my countertop decor too. I added more wood elements to warm up the kitchen with new cutting boards and a tray from another room. That tray was just calling out for a pretty orchid and the color feels like summer to me. 

I ended up moving the vase. I've been getting a little tired of the blue and white accessories lately and it was taking up a lot of counter space. The pineapple trend is one I love and roses by the sink always makes me happy.

One of the things I'm very conscience about is making sure my kitchen decor matches the rest of my house since it's so open. It could end up very farmhouse/cottage if I'm not careful. My living room has several modern touches and my breakfast room still holds the cottage style furniture from my old house. The kitchen has to perform a balancing act to marry all three spaces together. You can see how all three spaces flow together in the next few pictures.

One day I'll work on the breakfast room. I've already decorated it a million times in my mind, but when I look at the price for six drapery panels I break out in a cold sweat. Right now I'm thinking pinch pleated black and white riad fabric would be perfect. I'm sure I will change my mind by the time I get around to it!

I have rustic, light wood in each room to keep the spaces from being too modern. As much as I love the look of an all modern space my style flip flops too much to commit to one style so this is a good compromise. 

I have to admit that sometimes I dream of a silver and gold vent hood, modern pendant lighting and backsplash for the kitchen, and a contemporary coffee table. Then, I see a beautiful traditional space on IG or Pinterest and the planning starts all over again!

DIY Bathroom Mirror Trim

Jun 12, 2017

When we moved in to our new house almost two years ago I thought within the first month we would trim our master bathroom mirrors. That obviously didn't happen! I did finally get around to it and when I timed myself it only took a few hours out of our day. It's such an easy and inexpensive update, and it makes such a big impact. 

Here it is unframed.

And after!

There are a lot of tutorials out there, but I'll give you a quick rundown of how we framed ours since it might be a bit different. I like to glue the wood right to the mirror so you don't have the visible seam between the wood trim and the mirror caulk doesn't quite hide. You can also customize your trim to fit the style of your home. We had a craftsman trim on the mirrors in our last house, but this house needs something a bit more elegant with a crown moulding piece on top. You will need a saw for this project so that might prevent some of you from trying this DIY. If you are game, here's the process.

This is basically four boards glued to the mirror in a square with two trim pieces glued on top. We measured and bought pre-primed pieces at our local home improvement store. The top piece is a wider board at 5 inches and the side and bottom pieces are about 3-3 1/2 inches. Since these are pre-primed there wasn't any painting to do beforehand. If you are painting anything other than white keep in mind to paint before you install the pieces on your mirror. The backside will show in the reflection of your mirror. Once the bottom piece was cut to length we used liquid nails to apply it to the mirror. We also held it temporarily in place with screws underneath until it was dry the next day along with the blue painters tape. Then we cut and installed the side and top pieces. I installed a trim piece on the top that resembles crown moulding and a smaller trim piece at the base of the top board. The next day I removed the tape and screws. I caulked the seams and painted it the same color as our cabinets. Done!

There's still so much to do! I'd like to replace the mosaic tile around the tub. I "think" I can DIY it since it's such a small space. We replaced a small section of our kitchen backsplash in our last house and it was really easy so I don't see this should be any different. That's what I'm hoping at least! The walls need to be painted. I'm really not looking forward to that, but at least it's a small space. I need decor-art, chandelier, and a rug. The most expensive item is going to be the shutters for the windows. We have privacy windows, but they are truly hideous as you can see in this picture. Shutters will turn builder grade windows into something pretty and give you window trim at the same time. It's definitely cheaper than replacing them. Most of the work is going to be pure elbow grease. Lucky me!

As a side note, I am finally going to have the time to work on these projects. Tomorrow is my last day of work as a nurse auditor. I'm going to concentrate on my design and staging business for now. It's been a side job for the last few years, but I'm ready to focus solely on it and see where it goes. You might start seeing some of the projects I've been working on soon!

A New Rug for the Dining Room

May 25, 2017

I think one of the most asked question I get is about my rugs. It can be difficult to navigate through pages and pages of rugs online so I completely understand. I happened upon a new site called esalerugs on Instagram, and as I was scrolling I noticed one of the rugs advertised was exactly what I was looking for in my dining room. 

I haven't seen anything like it on my other affordable go-to rug sites-Joss and Main, Wayfair, and Rugs USA. I can't complain about the quality for such a good price either. Some of the rugs with a similar sheen will be very thin, but this one is much more plush. There has been absolutely no shedding either. It reminds me so much of the inspiration rug for this room, but at a fraction of the cost. 

Here is the before. I still love that gold mirror and go back and forth about putting it back in here. I'm not loving the blue I had in here at all now that I see it in a picture. I think it only stayed that way for a few days, thank goodness. There's nothing like a picture to tell you the truth about your house. I won't go there about weight and wrinkles in pictures. We all know.

Doesn't it look so much more finished with the new rug?

The builder grade windows and the chandelier are driving me crazy so that's next on the list. I also have a few more things to show you around here that aren't dining room related. We are so close to completing the first DIY project in the house almost two years after moving in. Better late than never!

Bring It On, Summer!

Apr 29, 2017

It gets HOT in Texas so all outdoor projects have a hard May deadline. The past month I've re-landscaped the front yard and spruced up the back patio. 

I added a pretty french blue color out here for the spring and summer. The fiddle leaf tree that was in this blue and white planter bit the dust so I tried it out here with a new bougainvillea that's still alive thankfully. I found the pillows at Pottery Barn and knew they would instantly go out here. I'm still shopping for a new outdoor coffee table since I'm not thrilled about the two ottomans pushed together. Once I find that and a new outdoor rug I can call this patio done!

I spend every weekend morning out here with my coffee while I watch Behind the Gates on AWE. If you haven't seen this show, you've got to check it out. Coffee plus fabulous houses makes the perfect morning!

All of the flowers are blooming and I couldn't be happier. 

This bougainvillea is huge! I made my son put his head next to one of the blooms for reference. He looks thrilled right?!

The weather is beautiful right now and we spend every minute we can outside. 

The boys are already in the pool even though the water was freezing this day. I went in Friday and it's getting warmer, but still too cold for me to get in all the way. 

Our new dining set is in! We are missing a chair in this picture, but we finally put it together. I found it online at Target and it's the same wicker as our loungers. Since the loungers held up so well the past year I decided to get the matching chairs.

I know this isn't how most people spend Easter, but we're not exactly traditional over here! We made a huge breakfast and enjoyed every minute by the pool. Just a couple of years ago the boys would be running all over the yard looking for eggs and now they are somewhat calmly enjoying breakfast. When they have bad table manners I threaten cotillion. If you live in the south you know that's every girl's dream and every boy's worst nightmare. It's a group of young boys and girls that have ettiequte classes and formal dances if you aren't familiar with it. I just have to say the c word and bad manners disappear.

We also installed these new outdoor lights from Costco over the dining area. I noticed it was a bit dark here even with the floodlight on and they definitely brighten up the entire space.

On to the front yard! It was a bit sad looking this year with dead plants and honestly just a poor design from the builder. All of our neighbors have amazing yards so I'm not sure why they skimped on ours, but we had to fix it. We consulted a landscape architect, but they wouldn't be able to work on it for at least a month so we decided to do it ourselves. Don't ask about the manhole with the circle of plants around it. I have no idea what the builder was thinking, but that drove me crazy to say the least. Don't mind my son out here playing basketball either. At least half the time I take a picture there is someone or my dog photobombing.

After! I just love my new maple tree. Even though I complain about the lack of landscaping from the builder, it's nice to pick out our own trees and plants. Most of our neighbors have oak trees and I like them, but I have always loved maples. The leaves are looking a little distraught on one side of the tree, but I'm hoping that's temporary. We also added junipers and roses. The flowerbeds are in the same shape as before to make it easy and we just replaced or moved plants instead. One day we'll get it professionally landscaped, but this is definitely good enough for now. 

Here's a closer look at the junipers and roses. The yaupon are so similar to boxwoods that act as a border. These were what was surrounding the weird manhole before.

We are finished with our summer projects with a few exceptions to the patio and we're waiting on quotes to come in for the balcony railing on the back patio retaining wall. I was all set on one contractor and then I never heard from them again. So, we're back to the drawing board, but at least it's not us sweating outside in the summer heat installing a railing!