Easter in the Kitchen

Apr 7, 2014

So, I've never decorated any part of my home for Easter. Before I had kids I always imagined that I would have a family of ceramic bunnies in my kitchen and giant faux Easter eggs in my front yard. Then, I had kids and realized my former self was insane. I can barely keep up with the necessary parts of Easter, like stuffing tons of plastic eggs with candy the night before my kids' school egg hunts. This year I finally shopped early and spent the extra money for pre-filled eggs. Why didn't I do that before? I also found a few Easter décor items for the house while out shopping this week. I can't tell you how together I feel right now.

Breakfast Room Centerpiece


The coffee bar got bunnified, too.


The eggs are from Pottery Barn, which are already on sale. Both of the bunnies were found at World Market for just a few dollars each. These touches of Easter may be small, but they made a big impact with the little guys in this house. Plus, smaller décor is easier to store!


The Scoop

Outdoor Spaces

Apr 1, 2014

It's the most wonderful time of the year! For enjoying outdoor spaces, that is. Alfresco meals, doors and windows thrown open to let the breeze in, heated pool for the kids, and margaritas on the patio at local restaurants were the highlights of my weekend. We are beginning the best season for weather in Houston and I'm planning on taking full advantage of it before summer hits. One of the things I love most about my house is the number of outdoor spaces I have to enjoy this great weather.

The front porch


The pool

And the balcony off the master bedroom


That's a lot of outdoor spaces for a fairly small home. How small? I'm not sure if I've ever revealed this before, but my home is just under 2300 square feet. When you have three boys, an escape room is important. Outdoor areas are perfect since the yelling from inside is muted.

Besides the plants I killed, the front porch and balcony are in pretty good shape. I never really got to finish the pool area last year since most of the décor was sold out by the time our pool was finished. Here are a few things I have my eye on to finish it off.

9' Auto Tilt Umbrella

I really wanted this black and white striped umbrella last year from Ballard Designs, but considering I needed two of them I could not justify the cost and went with plain red ones. I'll be watching these at the end of summer for a good sale and a coupon. I have to at least get two seasons out of my red ones. Isn't the black and white so chic?

Pool loungers are at the top of my list!

I've also decided to put in palm trees behind our waterfall. I feel like the rocks need a bit of softening. Have you ever priced palms? They can be insanely expensive and it's so hard to decide which ones to buy since there are so many varieties. I'm leaning towards the Mediterranean Palm because they're pretty. We'll see what my yard guy says tomorrow about these. I hope he doesn't burst my bubble by telling me they shed or won't grow well in this climate. He'll be planting the trees for me because I don't trust my planting skills. Painting, yes. Planting, no.

This is probably my first project that doesn't require woodwork, paint or any elbow grease at all on my part. I could get used to this!

My Big Fat Greek Vacation

Mar 10, 2014

Here is the pretty post I promised last week! I'm getting ready for an almost two week trip to Europe and I can't wait to show you pictures of the places I'm going. If you follow me on Pinterest you probably knew something was up with my pins of Europe. My husband's boss and wife took us out for dinner and a play right before Christmas. As a gift they surprised us with a trip to Europe! The funny thing is my husband surprised him with a fly fishing trip. I think these guys know each other very well! It took a little while to figure out where to go on our trip to Europe, but we finally nailed down a plan.

The guys have a business meeting in Chicago right before we start our trip. We will only be here one night, but we have exciting plans. We will leave early from Houston and have a full day of sightseeing. That night we will have dinner at Alinea. It's supposedly the best restaurant in Chicago. I'm not a foodie, but the pictures are very cool.

I present...the scallop. Dun, dun, dun.

I'm excited to shop on the Miracle Mile, but it will be in vain since I can't fit anything else in my suitcase. If you follow me on Instagram and saw my pared down shoe wardrobe you know what I mean. ;)

We leave the next day for Munich. We will have a few days to explore the area and I can't wait to visit some of the amazing castles.

Schloss Linderhof, Bavaria, Germany
Neuschwanstein's Castle! in GERMANY - been there, loved it.
Nueschwanstein Castle in Germany. The castle cinderella's was modeled after! So gorgeous!

It's just like the movie "Frozen." I will be hearing, "Let it go! Let it go!" the entire time I'm here.
Viktualienmarkt in Munich with the Frauenkirche in the background. Come here every day of the week to buy top quality groceries and enjoy the real Bavarian flair.
Rhine Village, Germany. Scott Bergey
Grand Hall of Schloss Schleissheim, Munich, Bavaria, Germany (http://www.schloesser-schleissheim.de/englisch/schleissheim/index.htm)
Then we'll be heading to Berlin. The guys have another meeting there, but we have a few days to explore.
Charlottenburg, Berlin - near where my good friend Marianne lives (and beautiful in any season).
Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, cool place to find good food and items!!  www.liberatingdivineconsciousness.com
The Potsdam area looks so pretty.
New Palace, Potsdam, Germany. Got to tour this Castle when I was in Germany last summer. Oh how I long to go back!
Now, this is where the Greek part of the big fat Greek vacation comes in. We'll be leaving Berlin for Athens! I'm very excited about this because it is a place I have always wanted to visit since my mom and her entire side of the family was born there. On this part of the trip it will just be my husband and I, but we hope to meet up with my extended relatives. We will be staying in the Plaka area of Athens. It's known for great shopping and cafes.
Plaka, Athens  Athens, Greece  http://www.travelandtransitions.com/destinations/destination-advice/europe/
yes, I did stay in the Central Hotel in Athens, Greece.  There's a hot tub on that roof.
Athens, Greece. Visited, but would love to see again.
I think I might know the Acropolis in Athens better than the town I live in thanks to my Art History professor.   One day...
We will leave Athens for a night in Santorini. I think this is one of the most photographed areas of Greece.

I'm especially excited to see the lighthouse on the island.

Santorini lighthouse, Greece

Why? My great grandfather was responsible for this light house when he was a captain in the Greek Navy. My grandmother used to tell me stories of living on Santorini. I think some of them were a bit embellished. I swear she loved scaring the bejesus out of us grandkids with her spooky stories!

From here we will fly back to Athens and catch a flight to Istanbul. We will catch up with our friends here for two days.

The family history does not stop here. My grandmother's family is originally from Istanbul when it was Constantinople. It wasn't a pleasant time when they had to leave this city, but there is one thing that hasn't changed. This cathedral was originally a Greek Orthodox church. A family member of ours was a Bishop here at one time.
Hagia Sofia Cathedral, Istanbul, Turkey
This great place is the historic battleground between Christians and Muslims in ancient Constantinople, Modern Day Istanbul. It was convert over the centuries back and forth from Mosque to Cathedral, from Cathedral to Mosque.
Isn't it beautiful?!

I have always been proud of my rich family history and I can't wait to see it come to life. Of course, I will be updating you with pictures of my trip on Instagram and Facebook. I will also do a recap of our trip when we get back. I know it will be a whirlwind since we will visit three countries in 12 days!

I am thankful for my family that will be able to watch our boys (including Mario). They will be staying at our home part-time so the boys will feel comfortable and able to play with their friends. I am so grateful to have family close by so we can travel to these amazing places. Each city and country we visit enriches our lives in some way. I have a feeling this will be a particularly special trip as I see the places my family has once lived. I can't wait to share it with you!

An Unexpected Boys Room Makeover

Mar 6, 2014

I promise I haven't been hiding this makeover from you! All of my boys' rooms need a little TLC, but I really did not plan to work on them until later in the year. But, then I needed to replace my youngest son's worn out quilt and it snowballed from there.


I found the madras quilt on sale a couple of months ago and then bought him the kid chair for his birthday. I guess his room will be navy and red! Since he drew stick figure families all over the walls I decided to paint his room with the left over white paint from the boys bathroom makeover. At least it's clean and fresh. It will also be easy to paint over if I decide to change it.


It's a little bare looking in here right now since I decided not to put his train artwork back on the walls. I decided to go ahead and finish his room since I'm halfway there anyway! I'm considering a few different ideas. As much as I would love to add a planked wall or board and batten, it's a lot of work for the caulker of the family. That would be me. I may build a shelf with hooks that will run the length of the wall. Or, I may go with large scale artwork and a book shelf over his new kid chair. That would be even easier. Hmmm...you know I always choose the difficult route, right?

It would make sense to ask my son what he wants his walls to look like. He said he'd like to paint them all red. No. I showed him pictures of what I like and then let him choose from there. Lesson learned! Here is what he could live with if he really has to choose something other than red walls.
He's very impressed that Riley has a computer, too.

He also likes this blue wall paint.

Madras Curtains on Light Blue Paint  Cute for a kid's room.

And, I just painted his room white.

We've got some decisions to make around here! That's the easy part though. Finding time to actually do the projects is the hard part. I have a busy few weeks ahead of me not related to home improvement, but it's all good stuff. I'll update you next week in an eye candy filled post. Have a great weekend!

Mudroom Shelves and Paint Color Resources

Feb 19, 2014

Sorry, for the late post this week. My internet has been down for a few days. I honestly have no idea why it’s working now, but I’m going to type fast in case it decides to crash on me again. Thank goodness for cell phones to keep me on top of the most important things, like bill paying and emails.

Speaking of emails, I was contacted recently by Jena from Involving Color about featuring my master bedroom on her blog. You can see the post here. It’s very flattering to be featured, but what’s more exciting is finding her blog. It’s completely devoted to paint and paint colors. What’s even better is the way it’s organized-by room, by color, by brand. I’ve been using Pinterest and Google to choose my paint colors before I even walk into a store. Her blog is an easier resource to finding the perfect paint color. I hope you check it out!

On to the mudroom progress. The built-in shelves are finally in place. I can’t tell you how confusing this was to figure out due to the weird angles in this closet. Even more confusing was to explain exactly what I wanted to my husband, the one who actually builds things around here. You would think after 16 years of marriage we would be able to figure out what each other is saying, but what we have here is a failure to communicate. After attempting to talk about the plans several times with the kids interrupting every thirty seconds, we just gave up. On Saturday, he decided to just get it done while I was out of the house. He showed me what he did when I got home and I said, “This looks amazing!” He said he was mentally prepared for a fight because he figured it was wrong! Nope. It was exactly what I wanted all along.



I think he deserves a gold star for figuring out these angles!

We ended up walling off the space on the back right (the brown board on the right side). It hurts my heart a little to decrease any storage space, but only a hobbit could get back there with the sloped ceiling. Anything that ended up back there would have stayed back there…forever.


Here is a pic of it before we blocked it off. The ceiling height is a whopping two feet tall.


The shoe cubbies are also done.


Well, the far left one isn’t finished quite yet. At least we can use them. Now, if I could just get the kids to actually put their shoes in the cubbies we’ll be doing good. Oh, and they need to learn to shut the door so Mr. Mario doesn’t drag their shoes out and snack on them. I’m buying two new pair of kids shoes today…sigh.

To recap, here is a before picture.



Cleaned out.


And almost finished....


So, what do we have left to do? Obviously, the floor and the errant shelf on the left need to be addressed. We’re also going to build a shelf above the top coat hooks. The rest is just filling in the gaps with quarter round and lots of caulk. Then, it’s my turn to finish it off. I need to paint, replace the light, and add a few decorative touches. When I type it out it doesn’t sound almost done!