You can definitely tell this house is by the same builder as mine. I wish I had these garage doors.

Brick front porch...hmmm.

The white walls and height of the ceiling makes it a perfect gallery for the homeowner's art.

This kitchen is my favorite room in the house. The first thing I did after seeing this picture was look and see if I could fit three lights above my kitchen window. Unfortunately, I can't because of the moulding we added around the window.

This is my second favorite. The wainscoting, the floors, and the vanity are giving me serious bathroom envy.

Downstairs study

The kids' television room. Ours is very similar in size, but definitely not in style. It may be time to take the train pictures off the walls.

This is definitely what my house is missing! There may be a pool in our future now that the kids are getting older.
The current homeowner bought this house already renovated. Lucky her! When I was reading through the article I noticed the previous owner is an interior designer at the same firm as a friend of mine. No wonder! That company does fabulous work that's been featured in many magazines. I'm glad to see the new homeowner put her stamp on it in a way that fits this great renovation.