Sep 28, 2019

Fall Foyer

I feel like my foyer is your favorite room in my house! There's been a "bring it" mentality that goes on in my head because of it. I actually thank you for that because I can get a little lackadaisical if I don't have motivation. My design clients get treated to well thought out designs, but when it comes to my own personal spaces I will procrastinate on what I know that needs to be done. I get excited about my home all over again just by bringing in a few new things or even moving items in from other rooms during the holidays. It's exactly what I do for my staging clients so it's nice to give myself the same treatment.

This year I was motivated by these beautiful lavender mums. I didn't know where I was going to put them, but I immediately wanted to pair them with white and light green pumpkins somewhere. My design approach during the holidays is to combine different colors/styles until I get the exact combination that resonates with me at that moment. Besides the color scheme, I knew I wanted something a bit romantic. I've been shying away from transitional decor and more into a pretty, French look lately. I'm sure this will pass, but I want that feel for now.

I wanted a garden stool next to this chair as soon as I started putting this together. I found something online within ten minutes, and had it delivered two days later. I still find this technology amazing. I had a pager in high school for goodness sake!

I am working on my backyard and kitchen next before I give you the full fall tour next week. I am anxious to be done because it's going to be so busy with homecoming for my older son. He has a parade, he's nominated for homecoming court, a football game and a dance to go to all next week. Then there are so many festivals at home and at our beach house in Galveston. I also want to make all of those pinned fall recipes you can find on my Pinterest board under "food." I know you follow me for interior design, but I consider myself a homemaker first. I honestly believe that makes me the best at my job!


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