Dec 14, 2015

New Kitchen Pendants

The kitchen pendant lights have been a thorn in my side since even before I moved into the new house. I had my heart set on pendants that were just too modern so I decided to wait until I found something I liked just as much. I found ones I loved even more and then realized they were way out of my budget. Ahhhh! I finally decided to take my husband's advice and to just pick something. I took the vision of French gold chandys out of my head and started from scratch. I finally found something I liked that goes with the rest of the lighting in the house and at a really good price. I'm thrilled with the way they look now that they are finally hung up!

It's hard to see in the picture, but there are bits of antique brass that bind the iron circles together for a bit more interest. 

And some closer details of the Christmas décor.

My first hot cocoa bar! The kids love it.

So does Jingle the elf.

He's hanging out here today.

And a picture from the living room to the kitchen. You might notice I bought a new end table and coffee table. It was just delivered before we went out of town for the weekend so I'm still working on the accessories. Once that's finished I'll show you more pictures.

I also had a china cabinet delivered for the dining room that I'm working on filling up.  It's an exciting time as everything is starting to come together!

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