Jun 4, 2014

Summer in the Kitchen

I love the blue and white willow dishes I normally display in my kitchen, but I wanted to change it up a bit for summer. These patterned dishes from Pier 1 fit right in with the lighter blue and green color scheme I had in mind.


My mom found a new tray for the island that goes great with the dishes.


You might remember the touch of blue on the breakfast table from an earlier post. These palm fronds are still just as fresh now as they were in this picture. Crazy! I might be decorating with palm fronds more often.


It's amazing that just a few new items and moving a vase from the family room can make such a difference.


Are you making any changes to your home for summer? I used to never decorate seasonally, but I'm finding it's fun as long as they are very small changes. Now, if I could just apply this philosophy to Christmas!


  1. Your little changes really say "summer" in a big way! I don't decorate seasonally, either, but I do make a few small changes in my family room, and they really do make a difference!

  2. So pretty! I'm same as you, I don't usually change things up too much seasonally either except for a few accessory changes. Looks so pretty. I love how long palm fronds last in a vase, they really are such a great design accessory. The tray and plates are so cute!

  3. How pretty everything looks! I love the last shot and of course the tray! Yeah, I like to decorate for the seasons and I think I go a bit overboard :)

  4. Pretty! I do love the look of aqua bits during summer...reminds me of living right by the beach even though I'm in the middle of suburbia right now! Lovely way to bring the outdoors in...

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  5. Beautiful, but I mostly could help noticing your new profile picture - gorgeous!!
