Mar 6, 2014

An Unexpected Boys Room Makeover

I promise I haven't been hiding this makeover from you! All of my boys' rooms need a little TLC, but I really did not plan to work on them until later in the year. But, then I needed to replace my youngest son's worn out quilt and it snowballed from there.


I found the madras quilt on sale a couple of months ago and then bought him the kid chair for his birthday. I guess his room will be navy and red! Since he drew stick figure families all over the walls I decided to paint his room with the left over white paint from the boys bathroom makeover. At least it's clean and fresh. It will also be easy to paint over if I decide to change it.


It's a little bare looking in here right now since I decided not to put his train artwork back on the walls. I decided to go ahead and finish his room since I'm halfway there anyway! I'm considering a few different ideas. As much as I would love to add a planked wall or board and batten, it's a lot of work for the caulker of the family. That would be me. I may build a shelf with hooks that will run the length of the wall. Or, I may go with large scale artwork and a book shelf over his new kid chair. That would be even easier. know I always choose the difficult route, right?

It would make sense to ask my son what he wants his walls to look like. He said he'd like to paint them all red. No. I showed him pictures of what I like and then let him choose from there. Lesson learned! Here is what he could live with if he really has to choose something other than red walls.
He's very impressed that Riley has a computer, too.

He also likes this blue wall paint.

Madras Curtains on Light Blue Paint  Cute for a kid's room.

And, I just painted his room white.

We've got some decisions to make around here! That's the easy part though. Finding time to actually do the projects is the hard part. I have a busy few weeks ahead of me not related to home improvement, but it's all good stuff. I'll update you next week in an eye candy filled post. Have a great weekend!


  1. Funny how one change snowballs into a full blown project! Your son's room looks great so far! Can't wait to see your eye candy!

  2. Ha, yeah, it's always like that, one small change turns out into a full room makeover :) Oh well, good for him!
