Apr 26, 2013

Why I Didn't Choose a Loveseat

My second armchair is finally here!

I didn't realize not getting a loveseat was going to be such a topic of conversation with friends and family. Buying new sofas does seem to be an ingrained process. You go to the furniture store and buy a matching sofa and loveseat, maybe a side chair or recliner too. I rocked the boat and opted not to buy a loveseat for several reasons.

The first, is that I didn't like looking at the back of my loveseat from the kitchen and breakfast room. Most people can put a sofa table behind the loveseat to solve this problem, but it didn't look right since I have that weird half wall thing going on. A sofa table next to the half wall just looked weird. The side benefit of having chairs is that I have a better view into the living room. Before, it felt completely blocked off by the loveseat. In this small space, that wasn't a good thing.

A second reason, is that I can eventually move these chairs around. I'm still considering moving them to face the sofa, which is my favorite combination. Moving the tv over the fireplace would be necessary with this layout, but installing the tv turned there turned out to be a lot more complicated than I first thought. We're going to stick to this arrangement for now.

I mentioned it before, but I really don't like sharing a loveseat with someone. I prefer to have my own chair and I'm sure my guests feel the same way. Don't you always feel like you're going to accidentally kick or elbow the person next to you?

Since you last saw this room. I moved my sea green Windsor Riad pillow back in and rearranged the mantel a bit. I finally found a spot between the chairs for my little side table I bought on sale at Target. I thought it was so cute and picked it up months ago even though I had no place to put it.

Is the ceiling fan driving you crazy? I curse it every single day. My husband and I have a disagreement about it. He thinks we will die this summer without a fan in here. I think we'll be fine without it. I'm going to wait a few months and see how necessary it really is before making a change. I'm sure I'll be right!


  1. I love the 2 chairs. More flexibility. I used to think you "had to have" a love seat too but I no longer follow the "rules". I find I'm much happier. We had our tv over our fireplace but after a while it just didn't feel comfortable not having it at eye level. I am with you on the ceiling fan. What is it with men and ceiling fans (and recliners) lol. I didn't even ask when we bought our house. I just removed all of them downstairs and he never even noticed since he was working while I remodeled and we weren't living here yet. There was even a ceiling fan in the kitchen!!! yuck Anyway, your room looks awesome. And the table from Target is soooo cute.

  2. I think you made a great choice with the 2 armchairs, I prefer that look. I know what you mean about the configuration, my favorite arrangement is also with the 2 chairs facing the sofa but in reality, I totally see why you arranged it in the L. I like that too and would have the same quandary as you do with the TV above the fireplace.
    I have seen that side table at target and have been tempted to get it too, love that one.
    It is such a dilemma about hte ceiling fan with men and women. I won in our bedroom but I won't win in the family room, so I am resigned to keeping it there. Okay Jennifer, have a great weekend. Party on! haha, hope you get that reference. :) Sharon

  3. The two chairs are definitely more versatile, I like how they kind of framed the fireplace. I know how you feel about the ceiling fan, I don't like them, but my husband thinks they are something really "cool" to have! :D

  4. I totally agree with you on the two chairs instead of loveseat. That room is looking GREAT!

  5. They look great and I love how your room is looking....Good job! Ceiling fans are one of those things that you get them for one reason only....moving the air around and not for there looks....I have one in my family room and hate it, but it saves us from turning on the cooler.....
